Yesos Ibéricos S.A.

Drywall systems solutions for the building industry

Spain (Madrid)

Setting Compounds: ST4

4 hours slow setting compound
Powder, slow-setting joint compound for completion of joints in >1 day
Product Details
Format: 20 kg bag of powder
Joint finish quality: Q1, Q2, Q3.
Water/Powder ratio. 0.43 l/kg
Working time: 4 hours approx.
Setting time: 4-5 h approx.
Standard: EN 13963
Business TypeManufacturer
Head Office

Ctra. de Andalucía Km 30,200 - 28340 Valdemoro

Spain (Madrid)

Commercial Contact

David Linares Leyva

International Export
Export Manager
Communication Languages
English، French، Spanish