Griferías Galindo

Is a family business founded in 1929 by D. Jesus Galindo Abad. Its purpose has always been manufacturing and marketing sanitary fittings: taps for bathrooms and kitchens

Spain (Barcelona)

Ovo Collection

The Ovo series of bathroom fittings is a fusion of concepts and forms
Product Details
The Ovo series of bathroom fittings is a fusion of concepts and forms. The spout and lever are mounted on a single base with a considerable consistency and weight. The lever is perforated to reduce the weight of the tap, balancing its parts and reinforcing its functionality. A fusion of concepts to create this tap of perfect proportions and undeniable appeal.
Business TypeManufacturer
Head Office

Polígono industrial "El Pla" - Carrer de l'Horta 8 - Naves 1-2 - 08750 Molins de Rei

Spain (Barcelona)

Commercial Contact

JesÚS Ercilla

Sales & Marketing
Communication Languages
English، French، Spanish