
Since 1975, Ecodis has adopted a unique approach towards satisfying its customers, which include both construction professionals and installers, by providing them with turnkey solutions

France (Lyon)

Roof safety - Safety Barrier

A safety barrier is collective protection equipment that prevents the risk of falls around a building or a machine. Many different solutions are possible depending on the architectural and aesthetic restrictions to respect.
Product Details
Equipment compliant with NF EN ISO 14122-3 "Project owners and Contractors shall include in the design of a new building, all devices necessary to prevent risks of falling for any person likely to perform work on the building at a later time. These safety devices shall be collective safety equipment in priority."


- Compliant with NF E 85-015
- Temporaly or permanent equipment
Business TypeManufacturer
Head Office

Parc d'Affaires de la Vallée d'Ozon - 115 rue des Frères Lumière - 69970 Chaponnay

France (Lyon)

Commercial Contact

Mahmoud Bensiam

General Manager