
Since 1975, Ecodis has adopted a unique approach towards satisfying its customers, which include both construction professionals and installers, by providing them with turnkey solutions

France (Lyon)

Echelle Et Accessoires

These ladders are designed to equip stairwells with roof access. They are fixed to kerbs or to the roof structure using a docking bar specially designed for this purpose.
Product Details
Various options are available: Docking bar on skylight - Aluminium theft protection wall support - adjustable side feet.

The ideal solution for Ecolux Roof Access and Ecobac Roof Access.
Business TypeManufacturer
Head Office

Parc d'Affaires de la Vallée d'Ozon - 115 rue des Frères Lumière - 69970 Chaponnay

France (Lyon)

Commercial Contact

Mahmoud Bensiam

General Manager